Our Pony Days are available for all abilities and are perfect for those with no animal experience or more confident animal lovers. Children will be supervised closely by our friendly experienced staff and will get to interact directly with our wonderful ponies while enjoying a fun day. Each Pony Day will vary meaning children can come more than once and receive a different experience each time. Whilst there is a strong emphasis on the days being fun and enjoyable we also endeavour to make it educational, with plenty of riding.

These experiences are suitable for children aged 5-16 from beginners all the way to advanced riders.
An assessment lesson is not required beforehand as the hour lesson will provide ample opportunity.

DATES: 8th & 15th April

9:30am - 3pm (Ages 5-16)

The day will cover all aspects of pony care: bringing in and turning out, grooming, tacking up, a 60 minute riding lesson, tack cleaning, mucking out, field checks and much more.

Please remember to bring a packed lunch and a drinks
bottle to keep hydrated throughout the day.

Appropriate footwear is essential so that feet do not slip out of the stirrups during riding activities. We recommend riding boots or wellies (flip flops, sandals, or any other open-toe shoe will be unsuitable for the day). Our experiences take place outdoors and run whether rain or shine, sleet or snow so please dress according to weather forecasts. If you have a riding hat please bring this with you.

Licenced by North West Leicestershire District Council under The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 Licence Number: NWL/RE05
For Hiring out Horses at Scamhazel Farm
Licence valid 1st October 2021 - 30th September 2025